Attracting Wild Birds


Hints and Tips

  • Many wild birds remain in Canada during the winter. Be sure to position your bird feeders near a window during colder months

  • Use High Energy ingredients - like Black Oil Sunflower, Peanuts, Corn and Suet all available at Nobleton FeedMill

  • Use a bird feeder with a roof/overhang to keep moisture from snow off your food

  • Keep the feeders filled

  • Consider using bird food ingredients such as Nyjer to attract smaller birds and deter Grackles and Blackbirds

  • Install a "squirrel proof" feeder

  • To attract finches ensure you buy finch food - and finch tube feeder (with small ports)

  • Check out our Oriele feeders too …

  • Looking for Hummingbirds? Be sure to buy a specially designed feeder

  • Switch to a platform feeder or hopper feeder - to accommodate larger seeds - and use suet cages for your suet

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