Tribute Horse Feeds


Kalm ‘N’ Ez Pellet

No corn, oats, or molasses! Keeps sugar and starch levels low. Higher fat and highly digestible fiber support calmer performances without loss of energy or condition. Optimal balance of essential amino acids, organic minerals, fatty acids, and antioxidants to support dietary requirements and peak performance.

Kalm Ultra

Excellent for hard-keepers, horses in heavy work, and horses recovering from extreme weight loss. High fat and highly digestible fiber support top performances without loss of energy or condition. Optimal balance of essential amino acids, organic minerals, fatty acids, and antioxidants to support dietary requirements and peak performance.

essential K

Low Feeding Rate. A dense nutrient concentration and low calorie pellet makes it a low cost method of supplying essential nutrients.Low NSC. Beneficial for hyperactive or special needs horses, such as those with insulin resistance, laminitis, obesity, or tying-up. Optimal balance of essential amino acids, organic minerals, fatty acids, and antioxidants to support dietary requirements and peak performance.