Attracting Cardinals
The cardinal's strong, thick bill is perfect for large seeds such as black sunflower seeds. Cardinals are also partial to peanut pieces and shreds of suet along with Nobleton Feedmill’s Premium Bird Feed Mixes.
Bird feeders
Your cardinals will also prefer large, wide feeders with plenty of space for them to perch…. check out our selection …
Holds up to 7 lbs. of seed. Spring activated perch can be adjusted for desired bird types and prevents squirrel's access to seed. Perches contain no waste seed saver
12 feeding stations & extra-large capacity to welcome many birds
2-in-1 ports flip to serve mixed seed or Nyjer® (thistle)
Fill with 3 different types of seed to attract a large variety of birds
Large baffle protects from squirrels and inclement weather
Attractive, copper-colored plastic accents look great in any yard
Holds up to 10 lb of seed
Double-sided, squirrel-resistant bird feeder, easy to clean and fill, adjustable weight settings, weather-resistant powder-coated steel body
Mixed seed capacity